Queen's University Belfast
'Organisational Resilience in Healthcare Teams'
Summary: This programme of research employs ethnographic observations in inpatient healthcare settings to examine organisational resilience in clinical teams, identifying sources of pressure or stress in the workplace and how teams adapt to these. This research will inform tailored interventions to improve patient safety.
Background: Safe and effective clinical care relies on multiple healthcare professionals, from a variety of healthcare disciplines, working collaboratively to share information and coordinate tasks. Frequently failures of patient care are a result of poor team communication and gaps between professional groups.
Organisational resilience is the ability of a system to adapt safely to pressures or changes within it. Resilience Engineering looks for ways to improve the ability of a system to successfully adapt under varying conditions.
Image by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia | Clinic |
Patient with Healthcare Nurse | Hospital |
Hospital Corridor | Image by Hush Naidoo |
Image by National Cancer Institute |